The simplest IPTV service. TV channels and radio stations from around the world, all for free.
We believe entertainment and information are essential resources in life, and they should be easily accessible to the public, not locked behind paywalls. Things like OTA and FAST television aren't a cakewalk to rely on. We provide what people want to watch for free, no strings attached.
Want to help out? That'd be great! You can either open an issue, join the Discord server or ask for an invite to the git. Please test your streams before submitting.
No files are stored. We're just using user-submitted links to publicly available video stream URLs, which to our knowledge have been intentionally made public by the copyright holders. If any links in these playlists infringe on your rights as a copyright holder, they may be removed by notifying us or opening an issue. However, we have no control over the destination of the link, and just removing the link from the playlist will not remove its contents from the web. Linking does not directly infringe copyright because no copy is actually made on the site providing the link, so this is not a valid reason to send a DMCA notice. To completely remove this content from the web, contact the web host that's actually hosting the content (not the maintainers of this repository).